Plotting gridded data on a web map: Python and/or Javascript?

Peter Kalverla
Netherlands eScience Center
10 min readSep 16, 2021


Interactive web graphics are transforming science communication. They are engaging, comprehensive, and easy to share. And while great examples are starting to pop up everywhere, gridded maps have been lagging behind. In this blog, I explore what is possible today, and why gridded maps are apparently more challenging than other types of plots.

A web page showing interactive versions of all maps discussed in this blogpost is available here; Python code here.

The Python geoscience stack has become quite amazing recently. With just a few lines of code, I can create this awesome interactive map:

import xarray as xr
import hvplot.xarray
temp = xr.open_dataset('').groupby('time.season').mean()temp.hvplot.image(
'lon', 'lat', cmap='coolwarm', geo=True, global_extent=True,
frame_width=500, frame_height=500, tiles='StamenToner',
alpha=.9, rasterize=True, project=True
See the interactive version at

There’s just one caveat: sharing it is not as easy. While I managed to save this image to a static HTML page and host it on GitHub pages, I’m not quite satisfied with the result. For example, the colour bar no longer rescales when you zoom in, which makes a big difference! Furthermore, using it in a custom web app was a pain. And the rendered data is embedded in the HTML page in some incomprehensible format that lives somewhere between Python and Javascript.

The best of both worlds?

Indeed, these images are typically expressed in two languages: Javascript for interaction and display, Python to update the underlying data. Javascript is easy to share: it simply runs in the browser. For Python, however, you need a dedicated server — or provide your audience with instructions on how to set that up for themselves, which obviously ruins the WOW-factor. Since I shy away from buying into a hosting subscription, that Python kernel turns out to be a real dealbreaker for me.

If Python is the bottleneck, you might ask (or so did I), why not move everything to Javascript then? It’s really inspiring to see what can be done nowadays with D3, Vega(-lite), and the like. They have amazing galleries of basically every plot type you can think of, but gridded maps have long been missing. And now that they’re starting to pop up, there are still some hurdles to overcome. Javascript does not (yet) measure up to the scientific Python ecosystem, for one, and then there is the intelligible reluctance of overburdened researchers to adapt to the new workflow of the year.

Adaptation of Jake VanderPlas graphic about the Python visualization landscape, by Nicolas P. Rougier (source:

That’s why some have come up with an alternative approach: making Python run natively in the browser. There are some really interesting projects going on, and Pyodide in particular seems to hold promise for the scientific community. There is even a JupyterLab implementation that runs entirely in the browser, called JupyterLite. While these are exciting developments, they’re still in their infancy and I wouldn’t consider them viable alternatives for my current objective. So I’ll leave these cool projects for a future blogpost and focus on the two solutions that seem most viable today: pure Javascript, or a JS/Python hybrid approach.

‘Pure’ Javascript solutions

There’s a wide range of plotting libraries available in Javascript. Many of the fancy maps you can find online nowadays are based on Leaflet or OpenLayers. Others like D3 and Vega also do maps, perhaps more reminiscent of Python’s Cartopy and co. However, as a JavaScript newbie, I found that exploring Leaflet and OpenLayers really helped to understand some key aspects of web mapping.

With Leaflet, all it takes to draw a map on an HTML page is a div element,

<div id="map"></div>

a few lines of Javascript that attaches the actual map to the div

var map ='map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);

attribution: 'copyright statement'

and a tiny bit of CSS to set the dimensions (otherwise it is often set to 0)

#map {
width: 600px;
height: 420px;

It produces the following map

Screenshot of a basic map created with Leaflet (unfortunately not interactive on Medium).

So what’s going on here? The first line of Javascript finds the div element called “map” and attaches a map object to it that the user can interact with. The initial view of the map is set to somewhere over London at zoom level 13. Subsequently, a tileLayer is added. I was a bit intimidated by all the different layer options at first, so let’s explore it further.

The map is built up of tiles, tiny images of 256x256 pixels each. At zoom level 0, one tile covers the entire world. At zoom level 1 there are four tiles, at zoom level 2 there are 16, and so on. At very high zoom levels there are a lot of tiles, but you will never see more than a few of them at the same time. This keeps the amount of data very manageable. Smart, isn’t it?

Some of the Leaflet layers are variations to this approach, such as the older WMS layer that simply delivers one image that fits your current bounds and zoom level (see here for a nice introduction).

But what if you want to plot your own data? While there are many resources on how to use existing tile or web-map services, I struggled to find out how to make my own. Eventually, I found a nice example using GeoTrellis, but by that time I had already concocted a half-baked solution in my beloved Python. More on that in a bit.

Leaflet also has different kinds of layers. You can draw lines, markers, shapes, polygons, images, and even videos. Here’s how to draw a simple rectangle on a Leaflet map:

var bounds = [[50, 0], [55, 5]]  // ymin xmin ymax xmax
L.rectangle(bounds, {color: "#ffffff", weight: 1}).addTo(map);

So if I could load my data into some that bounds array and write a function to determine the colours, that should work. Right?

According to this blogpost, Leaflet should perform well up to about ten thousand data points. However, gridded data can easily get bigger. The snapshot of ERA5 data that I used for the first example already has over a million grid cells (0.25 by 0.25 degrees, global coverage). So it seems we’re hitting a dead end there as well… Or not? is like Leaflet on steroids. It was designed to “visually explore large-scale datasets”. It leverages the processing power of your graphics card to do some impressive rendering magic. After using Leaflet, I found it quite easy to get up and running with, and managed to produce this awesome visualization:

Rendering over a million grid cells using

But still, I had to cheat a bit. And still, it was slow. For the data… was big.

Incentives for a hybrid solution

The data I wanted to use came originally in netCDF format and while it seems possible nowadays to parse that with Javascript, it’s not the oneliner I’m used to in Python. The same goes for the colour mapping. To save me some time, I decided to do some light preprocessing in Python.

Next, let’s talk about data sizes. The size of the original netCDF data for one timestamp was about 4 MB. The size of the preprocessed data in JSON format was considerably larger: almost 50 MB. For climate scientists this is nothing, but for smoothly running a website that’s quite substantial… It might be worthwhile to explore which file formats work well for both languages.

So what about the tile solutions from earlier? Could that save me some bandwidth and rendering time? And how hard could it be to make my own tiles in Python? As you could see from the first Leaflet example, it’s just a matter of creating a folder structure like baseurl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, where the tile numbering follows the slippy tile format explained here.

Example tiles at zoom levels 0 (left), 1 (middles) and 2 (right).

To draw a tile we basically have to determine the right colour for each pixel. I already mentioned that the tiles are 256x256 pixels. My sample data is 1440x721 grid cells. Therefore, to create the first tile that covers the globe, we need to condense, or aggregate, the data. We have 5 to 6 grid cells per pixel in the x-direction and about 3 in the y-direction. The simplest way to aggregate them would be to take the mean of these ~15 grid cells. (At higher zoom levels, where we have more pixels than grid cells, we’d need to upsample, or interpolate instead). Then we’d have to map the values of temperature onto a colour scale. Finally, we’d draw the pixels on a canvas.

There happens to be a Python library that is built to do exactly this: Datashader. While it's intended for use from within a Python session, there is no reason why you couldn’t use that library to render images upfront. The developers of the package also realized this and created an initial implementation to render tiles with a somewhat hidden example notebook.

I adapted the example to my needs and started rendering some tiles. In terms of storage, the first 4 zoom levels (0 to 3) were all below 1 MB. Then it quickly went up from 2.4 MB to 6.8 MB to 22 MB for levels 4 through 6. Performance started to degrade at zoom level 6, perhaps because of the upsampling that was going on. At zoom level 7, my code crashed, though I’m sure it can still be optimized.

Now it was time to show my awesome tile layer on a Leaflet map. I struggled a bit to get the projection right, but eventually, it worked like a charm (select the tile layer on the leaflet map here).

I was happy that my tile layer worked, but it also got me thinking: zoom level 0 seemed quite redundant: why would anyone want to show the whole globe on a tiny thumbnail? The tile layer only starts to be advantageous at the higher zoom levels. But do I really need that? Indeed, with the source data resolution of 0.25 degrees, there might not be much to gain beyond zoom level 3. Consequently, for a global dataset at this resolution, an image overlay might be a better, and easier, solution.

After tinkering a bit with how to reproject and save the file, I managed to create an image with just as many pixels as I had grid cells, and project it onto my Leaflet map (select the image layer here). The image size was under 400 KB and it rendered nicely onto the map. Maybe even too nicely: at higher zoom levels, Leaflet did a great job at smoothing the edges between the original pixels, and although this provided a nice looking image, I did not like it. For scientific applications, it is more honest to show the coarse pixels of the source data. In that sense, the polygon solution was much better.

Not so bad after all?

So let’s do a quick resume. To plot data on a web map, we have several options. For relatively coarse datasets, creating an image overlay seems to be a good option, although you might lose the explicit granularity of the source data. Tile layers will be useful mostly when you go to a much higher resolution (whilst keeping a large domain). Both these options require pre-rendering of the images/tiles, which means that the colour bar will be fixed and the connection with the source data is lost.

Alternatively, rendering the data client-side is also within reach, especially with tools like In my experiments, it required fetching and processing substantial amounts of data, but this can be amended. Similar to the pre-rendered raster tiles I’ve explored, vector tiles have become increasingly popular. This could be a good solution when you have (much) more pixels than grid cells, whereas raster tiles work well in the opposite situation. The preferred option is thus determined by the source data resolution, and the zoom levels you want to support.

Finally, let’s look back at the very first figure I showed. It was made with the hvPlot library, which is built on top of HoloViews, which in turn uses Bokeh. I also used Panel for exporting the file. Bokeh consists of two components: BokehJS for creating interactive visualizations with Javascript, and the Python library, which makes it easy to ‘define’ visualizations that are understood by the Javascript counterpart. Simply put, these definitions are just listings of the different plot elements that constitute the visualization. When you export a visualization as a static file, all possible ‘states’ (in my case the four seasons) are written to the output file(s), alongside the definition. Depending on the plot type, the state may consist of some data, or perhaps an encoded image. At that point, BokehJS can read the definition and state data and reconstruct the visualization.

It is a great solution if you are happy with the possibilities offered by Bokeh and the libraries that are built on top of it. Personally, I’m not so keen on the “you worry about the science, we worry about the implementation” attitude that some of the high-level visualization packages sometimes tend to preach. I think it’s important to have a basic understanding of what’s going on under the hood. And while the BokehJS library seems to be quite good at what it does, I’d like it even better when the exchange formats between Python and Javascript were more interoperable.

Anyway, now that I’m starting to grasp the core principles and challenges, I’ve come to appreciate how far they have come, and I look forward to seeing how this exciting visualization landscape will develop in the near future. This exploration has been a valuable learning experience for me, and I hope it may help some of the readers as well.

Happy mapping!

